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Pact Core Concepts Part III — Testing and Formal Verification in the Pact REPL

The Pact Core Concepts series is a companion guide to the Real World Pact repository, written by Thomas Honeyman, a senior engineer at Awake Security. The series teaches the essential concepts needed to write and test Pact programs on the scalable Chainweb blockchain. Part III of the series, *Testing and Formal Verification in the Pact REPL,* teaches you how to secure your smart contracts.

Smart contracts pose a significant challenge in terms of security. The unforgiving nature of the blockchain environment, where anyone can read and execute smart contracts that handle sensitive data, has led to billions of dollars in losses across the web3 ecosystem. Mistakes are easily made and exploited, often resulting in substantial financial losses.

Pact, a programming language specifically designed for security, eliminates or blunts many potential threats, such as re-entrancy attacks and infinite loops, while offering unique capabilities not found in other languages. One such feature is formal code verification, which is more reliable than unit tests. However, even with tests and verification, it’s crucial to consider a security audit to uncover subtle yet critical issues in contracts. Pact, while helpful, isn’t immune to all exploits.

Testing and Formal Verification in the Pact REPL guides you through combining unit tests, type checking, and formal verification in Pact. Unit tests are written in REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) files, while types and formal verification are directly incorporated into Pact modules and executed in the REPL. Pact offers numerous REPL-exclusive functions to aid developers in writing tests, benchmarking code, estimating gas consumption, and simulating various blockchain states.

A typical Pact smart contract developer will:

  1. Use type annotations to document their schemas and functions and rely on the Pact type-checker to ensure functions are only called on data of the correct type.

  2. Write unit tests in Pact REPL files to verify that code behaves as expected.

  3. Apply formal verification to confirm that code meets desired properties and specifications, reducing the risk of unnoticed issues and edge cases.

  4. Consider a security audit to identify subtle yet crucial issues that might have been missed during development.

By following these steps, developers can harness the power of the Pact programming language and its REPL environment to create more secure smart contracts.

We hoped you enjoy the Pact Core Concept Series as much as we did! For the full series, please check out the corresponding links below:

By Kadena